Industrial Automation: An overview

Industrial automation has brought a major boom in recent years, propelling the automation industry forward. The adoption and usage of automation systems have been growing at an alarming rate in industrial manufacturing.The annual global expenditure on industrial manufacturing systems increased by more than 140%, cited for its proficiency in enhancing resource yield,and advancing product quality while lowering waste, lowering labour costs and increasing production flexibility (according to International Trade Administration).

The manufacturing industry has witnessed several trends that created a shift in the way the industry operates. Let us have a spotlight on the Top
Emerging Trends Shaping the Future of Industrial automation.

Internet of Things (IoT) in Industrial Automation

With the help of intelligent devices and strong enabling technology, IoT
(Internet of Things) enhances automation, data collection, operations, etc. IoT has been used in industrial automation to enable scalable collaboration between heterogeneous devices and systems for reliable and collaborative automation. It offers real-time closed-loop control that is predictable and fault-tolerant, as well as the integration of intelligent service features from edge devices to the cloud.

As a result, industrial automation systems will be less expensive and
perform better and the options for creating products with higher value and lower cost will continue to grow.

5G connectivity

5G is sweeping the globe by storm, with lightning-fast download rates (about 1G/second) and extending reach thanks to expanding infrastructure of satellites, cell towers, and microcells. Technology that was formerly only available in certain locations may soon be available in others. This is especially crucial in rural regions, where low connection has impeded healthcare and agricultural progress.

Artificial intelligence

Every aspect of technology is being transformed by artificial intelligence
(AI). AI is being used by industry experts to foresee issues with their
equipment, allowing them to stay on the preventive side of maintenance and repair more successfully. AI may also be used to test potential solutions and make an informed decision at a low cost and without endangering machines or employees. Furthermore, AI is being used to evaluate large amounts of data to make judgments based on the behaviour of millions of potential consumers.

Concerns About Cybersecurity

This interconnection introduces a new range of concerns for businesses that rely on data collecting and processing. Machines that rely on GPS, for example, are vulnerable to jamming or other manipulation with GPS signals. Security breaches are widespread even among the most well-resourced and well-known companies. With greater interconnectivity comes increased vulnerability to those attempting to disrupt production or steal information. Some of the most modern cybersecurity uses what is known as Wave-3 or Third-Wave AI to keep ahead of cyber attackers.

OEM Asset Management

The IIoT allows original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to remotely service and maintains their equipment. In a world where technology advances faster than the workforce can be trained, having OEMs take care of their equipment is a pipe dream for many industry professionals. In such cases, the OEM effectively rents the equipment. In other scenarios, the user pays a subscription to have the OEM perform monitoring, maintenance, and repair after the assets are acquired by the firm utilizing them.