AI (Artificial Intelligence) was developed several decades ago. Previously, many people associated AI with robots. However, it now plays an important role in our lives. Artificial intelligence is used in personal electronics, media streaming devices, smart cars, and home appliances. Businesses also use it to improve customer service and management functions. Here are six artificial intelligence trends to watch in 2020.

  1. Artificial Intelligence Customer Support and Assistance

Every company should strive to provide a pleasant customer experience. Existing customer satisfaction aids businesses in marketing new products and services. AI enables businesses to improve their customer service by providing faster response times and more interaction. Sales tasks and customer service are examples of artificial system assistance. This year, it will be more streamlined. According to digital marketing experts, by December, customer service representatives will not be required to manage more than 85 percent of customer support communication. Companies can use Artificial Intelligence programmes and applications.

  1. Data Access Facilitates Ubiquity

Artificial Intelligence is becoming more versatile as a result of data. One of the most recent Artificial Intelligence innovations this year is data access enabling ubiquity. Reliable and accurate data assists businesses in making the transition to AI-powered automated decision making. Many organisations have reduced operational costs, streamlined processes, and improved their research capabilities as a result of it.

For example, developers of autonomous vehicle software can access a large amount of driving data without having to drive the vehicles themselves. We will soon see a significant increase in the use of Artificial Intelligence in real-world simulations. As AI advances in sophistication, it will result in the cost-effective and widespread availability of critical data.

3.Predictive Analytics 3rd.

The use of AI, NLP, and machine learning to process data has a positive impact on augmented analytics. This year, more businesses will begin to use predictive analytics. It is critical in customer service, recruitment, price optimization, retail sales, and supply chain optimization. Predictive analytics will enable businesses to use real-world data to anticipate outcomes and behaviours, allowing them to be more proactive.

  1. Increased Customization

To gain a competitive advantage, businesses must understand delivery services and customer preferences. Customer services in online marketplaces and urban mobility have been standardised by ubiquitous location and real-time data. Businesses must provide relevant and personalised services in order to remain relevant and expand their client base.

5. Marketing Activities in Real Time

Real-time marketing includes instant data on current marketing decisions. It develops strategies based on relevant trends and customer feedback. The number of real-time marketing activities is expected to skyrocket by 2020, with AI driving the majority of them. Furthermore, more businesses will use AI to manage real-time user interactions and satisfy customers.

6. Chatbots Powered by AI

Chatbots are used by many businesses to market products and accept payments. They are effective at providing excellent customer service. Many chatbots make use of data from massive databases. However, certain phrases may be lost on them. This year, chatbots will be able to compete with human conversation. For example, AI-powered chatbots can recall parts of a conversation with a client and use them to create a personalised conversation. There are numerous applications for artificial intelligence. It is a key technology in Industry 4.0 and automation, agriculture, aerospace, construction, logistics, robotics, and connected mobility. The top artificial intelligence trends this year are AI customer support and assistance, data access enabling ubiquity, predictive analysis, enhanced customization, real-time marketing activities, and AI-powered chatbots.