Top 5 Benefits of Robotic Automation

Industrial robots have been a boon to the bottom line ever since they first appeared on the production lines of automakers in the 1960s. They have increased factory productivity, efficiency, and safety.

As technology advanced, general industry manufacturing firms began implementing robot automation to reap the benefits and boost their competitive advantage.

There are currently more than 2 million operational robots installed worldwide, and the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) predicts that within a few years, there will be more than 3 million operational robots.

As we enter the fourth industrial revolution and look to capitalize on the benefits of big data, AI, and IIOT, industrial robots are once again ideally suited to deliver significant benefits. It will allow manufacturers to further optimize their processes to increase their bottom line and customer satisfaction. This article will look at the top ten advantages of robotic automation.


Reduce Floor Space

There are other robot configurations besides floor-mounted ones. Robots of the present day are more adaptable, with options for inverted, shelf, wall, and floor mounting configurations. It creates a wide range of options for making the most of floor space. In addition, modern robot designs are physically much smaller than earlier ones and leaner than their predecessors. Robots can operate in very small or confined spaces thanks to programming’s ability to reduce the required space.

Improve Product Quality

An industrial robot’s ability to consistently produce high-quality parts for virtually any product can be attributed to its accuracy and repeatability, regardless of the application. Real benefits that enhance product quality include handling the most delicate materials without damage, flawless finishes on painted surfaces, and high-quality welds that guarantee the integrity of a product.


Reduce Labor Turnover

Recent research has favored robotic automation, refuting the idea that it will replace workers. According to studies, manufacturers can retrain and redeploy their workforce into higher-skilled jobs, resulting in greater job satisfaction for the employee and more value for the employer by using industrial robots to perform the “dull, dirty, and dangerous” tasks. In addition, as the labor force ages, we see fewer applicants looking for jobs requiring hard labor. The high precision required by modern industrial processes and/or the manual labor required for the tasks is frequently viewed as undesirable careers. As they fill the void left by the aging workforce, industrial robots can also contribute in this way.


Reduce Operation Costs

Businesses may experience significant reductions in direct and overhead expenses by integrating industrial robotics into their manufacturing processes. Industrial robots can be easily adapted to new production lines without the need for expensive training, which takes more time away from production because of their inherent flexibility and ease of programming. They consistently deliver the highest-quality parts thanks to their accuracy and repeatability, reducing defects and waste. Additional savings are possible due to industrial robots’ lack of need for healthcare, insurance, or income, as well as their low energy requirements for lighting, heating/cooling, and other comforts.


Increase Manufacturing Flexibility

One of the most alluring advantages of robotic automation is the simplicity with which processes can be switched, enabling manufacturers to meet the growing demand for product customization and design changes. Because industrial robots are simple to reprogram, there is less of a barrier between changing consumer demands and a manufacturer’s ability to quickly and affordably respond to the market, increasing their competitiveness. Industrial robotics is the answer to today’s high-mix, low-volume productions, and any manufacturer will greatly benefit from being able to run various products on the same line.


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